The Law Office of Jeremy Taylor, LLC is dedicated to providing competent, efficient and experienced legal representation and counsel to our clients in Southington, Cheshire, Plainville, Bristol and the greater Hartford County.
Attorney Taylor’s strong reputation throughout our community has been built upon his dedication and attention to his client’s needs and his strategic and aggressive advocacy in adversarial proceedings. Attorney Taylor is committed to providing focused dedication and skilled representation in obtaining the end results that his clients seek.
This office is affiliated with the following Employer-sponsored Legal Plans:
Hyatt Legal Plans – A MetLife Company
CLC Legal Access Benefit Plan
*If your employer provides these services to you please mention this firm as your preferred attorney when you call your plan administrator
Serving Southington, CT and the Surrounding Towns for:
. Real Estate Transactions
. Estate Planning and Wills
. Motor Vehicle/DUI Defense
. Personal Injury
Contact my office to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION
Law Offices of Jeremy Taylor
876 S Main Street – Suite 2
Plantsville, CT 06479
(p) 860.628.0900